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Armfield Biochemical Engineering

  • Availability: On Order
  • Brand: Armfield
  • Product Code: BE series
  • Product viewed: 17825


Armfield Biochemical Engineering

Chemical and Biochemical Engineering BE

Link opens website of Armfield

Armfield trough their CE and UOP range of products offer the most comprehensive, diverse and technically current group of products of any manufacturer, bringing both basic principles and complete unit operations to the modern educational laboratory.

Biochemical Engineering is currently a growth area, attracting worldwide interest. Although many of the techniques and operations are common with Chemical Engineering, there are some important differences.

Armfield have introduced four products, BE1, BE2, BE3 and BE4, which together with CEU, give students an introduction and understanding of important Biochemical principles.

Link to the product ranges on the website of Armfield:

Basic Process Principles - CE series
Heat & Mass Transfer Unit Operations - UOP series
Biochemical Engineering - BE series

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